Diablo II is a popular action role-playing game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. One commonly asked question among players is how many acts are there in Diablo II.

Diablo II consists of four acts, each offering a unique setting and a series of quests and challenges for players to undertake. In Act I, players begin their adventure in the town of Rogue Encampment and progress through the dark wilderness and Catacombs, facing hordes of undead creatures.

In Act II, players journey to the deserts of Lut Gholein, battling through the arcane secrets of the tombs and facing monstrous enemies. Act III takes place in the jungle city of Kurast, where players combat the demonic forces of Mephisto.

Finally, Act IV brings players to the Pandemonium Fortress, a celestial battleground where they face Diablo, the Lord of Terror. Each act unveils more of the game's rich lore and drives the captivating storyline forward.

So, in total, Diablo II consists of four acts, providing players with a thrilling and immersive gameplay experience.

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